Author: Beth M. Kelsey
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0763774170
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0763774170
Midwifery/ Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide
The Perfect Study Guide for the AMCB or NCC Exam! Midwifery & Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide, Second Edition is a comprehensive review designed specifically for those preparing to take the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) or the National Certification Corporation (NCC) Women's Health Nurse Practitioner certification exams. Completely revised and updated, the Second Edition has new questions in each chapter and contains more than 600 sample test questions representative of questions found on the examinations. Since Midwives and Women's Health Nurse Practitioners share many commonalities that enhance the delivery of care for women during their lifespan, this review guide provides essential test taking The Perfect Study Guide for the AMCB or NCC Exam Midwifery & Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide, Second Edition is a comprehensive review designed specifically for those preparing to take the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) or the National Certification Corporation (NCC) Women's Health Nurse Practitioner certification exams. Completely revised and updated, the Second Edition has new questions in each chapter and contains more than 600 sample test questions representative of questions found on the examinations. Since Midwives and Women's Health Nurse Practitioners share many commonalities that enhance the delivery of care for women during their lifespan, this review guide provides essential test taking strategies, study tips, and test questions needed to succeed in the examination process. Included with the book is an online access code for JB TestPrep, our Online Interactive Testing Program Read medical textbooks online like Midwifery/ Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide here

Midwifery & Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (Book with Access Code)

Midwifery & Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (Book with Access Code), ISBN-13: 9781449615000, ISBN-10: 1449615007
Categories: Maternity nursing->Examinations, questions, etc., Gynecologic nursing->References, Nurse practitioners->Examinations, questions, etc.. Contributors: Beth M. Kelsey - Author. Format: Hardcover

by Patricia Burkardt, Susan B. Moskosky and Beth Kelsey - Jones & Bartlett Publishers (2004) - Paperback - ISBN 1878028189 9781878028181

Author: Kelsey, Beth ISBN-10: 1878028188
Midwifery/ Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide Online
Since Midwives and Women's Health Nurse Practitioners share many commonalities that enhance the delivery of care for women during their lifespan, this review guide provides essential test taking