Author: Jane Hanley
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0470510684
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0470510684
Perinatal Mental Health: A Guide for Health Professionals and Users
author jeni holden author john cox format paperback language english publication year 01 01 2003 subject medicine subject 2 clinical medicine professional payment shipping rates returns perinatal mental health a guide to the edinburgh postnatal depression scale product category books isbn 1901242811 title perinatal mental health a guide to the edinburgh postnatal depression scale ean 9781901242812 authors holden jeni cox john binding paperback publisher gaskell publication date 2003 01 01 pages Read medical textbooks online like Perinatal Mental Health here

Perinatal Mental Health
Categories: Pregnancy->Psychological aspects, Prenatal care, Pregnant women. Contributors: Diana Riley - Author. Format: Paperback
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Perinatal Mental Health : Paperback : John Wiley and Sons Ltd : 9780470510681 : 0470510684 : 08 Sep 2009 : This book covers most aspects of the recognition, treatment, care and management of postnatal depression and examines the way in which it affects mothers, their families, infants and society as a whole. It discusses the factors that impact and impinge on mothers' lives and how they are expected to deal with them including risk factors.
author jane hanley author vivienne hanley edition number 1 isbn 10 0470510684 isbn 13 9780470510681 language english publication year 20090000 author vivienne hanley jane hanley author for title jane hanley vivienne hanley ean 9780470510681 edition 1 format paperback isbn 0470510684 illustrated n language english numberofpages 246 pages publication date 2009 09 08 publication year 20090000 publisher john wiley sons inc publisher s note i perinatal mental health i is an invaluable reference for n
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