Author: Felissa R. Lashley RN PhD ACRN FAAN FACMG
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0826102220
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0826102220
Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice
Designated a Doody's Core Title!
REFRESH YOUR GENETIC KNOWLEDGE AND ENHANCE YOUR PATIENT CARE We now know that genetic factors can cause disease or affect an individual's susceptibility or resistance to disorders and even to treatment. To provide the best nursing care, it is therefore essential that practitioners and students have a basic knowledge of the science of genetics and how it affects the major areas of nursing expertise. To address this need, Dr. Felissa Lashley has created this "essentials" guide specifically for nurses. From genetic factors and trends affecting health care today, to the more complex discussions of human variation, every genetic topic critical to the practice of nursing and nursing education i Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice Read medical textbooks online like Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice here

Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice

Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice: Felissa R. Lashley
Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice , ISBN-13: 9780826102225, ISBN-10: 0826102220
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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice by Felissa R. Lashley Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Genetic factors can cause disease or affect an individuals susceptibility and resistance to disease and even to treatment. To provide the best nursing care it is therefore essential that practitioners and students have a basic knowledge of the science of genetics and how it affects the major areas of nursi
Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice Online
From genetic factors and trends affecting health care today, to the more complex discussions of human variation, every genetic topic critical to the practice of nursing and nursing education i