Author: Joseph L. Rau Jr. PhD RRT
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0815184565
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0815184565
Mosby's Respiratory Care Drug Reference, 1e
A convenient, practical compendium of prescriptive information on drugs given by aerosol delivery and drugs used in treating cardiopulmonary disorders. br>The first three sections offer detailed information on methods of aerolization and aerosolized drugs, for the convenience of those prescribing or administering drugs. Section IV provides groups of drugs related to respiratory and critical care medicine, including anti-infective groups, local anaesthetics and central nervous system depressants (barbiturates,narcotics, other sedative-hypnotics, general anaesthetics). Aspects of these drug groups which are relevant to respiratory care are summarised. The alphabetised listing of individual agents in the fifth section gives details on drugs of Mosby's Respiratory Care Drug Reference, ISBN-13: 9780815184560, ISBN-10: 0815184565 Read medical textbooks online like Mosby's Respiratory Care Drug Reference here

Mosby's Respiratory Care Drug Reference, 1e, Rau Jr. Phd Rrt, Joseph L., Good B
payment | shipping rates | returns Mosby's Respiratory Care Drug Reference, 1e Product Category :Books ISBN :0815184565 Title :Mosby's Respiratory Care Drug Reference, 1e EAN :9780815184560 Authors :Rau Jr. PhD RRT, Joseph L.Binding :Paperback Publisher :Mosby Publication Date :1997-01-15 Pages :352 Signed :False First Edition :False Dust Jacket :False List Price (MSRP) :29.95 Height :0.5600 inches Width :4.3500 inches Length :7.3600 inches Weight :0.6000 pounds Condition :Good book is bent Wri

Introducing Mosby's first Drug Dictionary for respiratory clinicians Mosby's Respiratory Care Drug Reference offers AZ listings of 250 commonly used respiratory drugs, including aerosols, sedation and pain agents, antiinfectives, CNS agents, and neonatal/adult critical care drugs. As well as being truly comprehensive, this drug reference is built for speed, with thumb tabs and highlighted text that direct your attention to the facts you need fast

Introducing Mosby's first 'Drug Dictionary' for respiratory clinicians! Mosby's Respiratory Care Drug Reference offers AZ listings of 250 commonly used respiratory drugs, including aerosols, sedation and pain agents, antiinfectives, CNS agents, and neonatal/adult critical care drugs. As well as being truly comprehensive, this drug reference is built for speed, with thumb tabs and highlighted text that direct your attention to the facts you need fast! Author: Rau, Joseph L. ISBN-10: 0815184565
Categories: Cardiovascular diseases->Drug therapy, Critical Care->methods->handbooks, Cardiovascular diseases->Drug therapy. Contributors: Joseph L. Rau Jr. - Author. Format: Paperback
Mosby's Respiratory Care Drug Reference Online
The alphabetised listing of individual agents in the fifth section gives details on drugs of