Author: Steven A. Julious
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1584887397
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1584887397
Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials
Drawing on various real-world applications, Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials takes readers through the process of calculating sample sizes for many types of clinical trials. It provides descriptions of the calculations with a practical emphasis. Focusing on normal, binary, ordinal, and survival data, the book explores a range of trials, including superiority, equivalence, non-inferiority, bioequivalence, and precision for both parallel group and crossover designs. The author discusses how trial objectives impact the study design with respect to the derivation of formulae for sample size calculations. He uses real-life studies throughout to show how the concepts and calculations can be employed. This work underscores the i Estimating Samples Sizes in Clinical Trials , ISBN-13: 9781584887393, ISBN-10: 1584887397 Read medical textbooks online like Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials here

Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials

Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials - Steven A. Julious
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials by Steven A. Julious Estimated delivery 4-14 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New Featuring worked examples and problems based on real-world scenarios, this book takes readers through the process of calculating the sample size for various types of clinical trials. It covers the most common types of clinical trials across different phases. It discusses how assumptions made in a sample size calculation can i
author steven a julious format hardback language english publication year 04 08 2009 subject medicine subject 2 clinical medicine professional ean 9781584887393 title estimating samples sizes clinical trials sku st 1584887397 product category books comics magazines about speedy hen ltd by continuing with this checkout and ordering from speedy hen you are accepting our current terms and conditions details of which can be found by clicking here author biography steven a julious is a senior lecture

Drawing on various real-world applications, Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials takes readers through the process of calculating sample sizes for many types of clinical trials. It provides descriptions of the calculations with a practical emphasis.Focusing on normal, binary, ordinal, and survival data, the book explores a range of trials, including superiority, equivalence, non-inferiority, bioequivalence, and precision for both parallel group and crossover designs. The author discusses how trial objectives impact the study design with respect to the derivation of formulae for sample size calcula
Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials Online
It provides descriptions of the calculations with a practical emphasis. Focusing on normal, binary, ordinal, and survival data, the book explores a range of trials, including superiority, equivalence, non-inferiority, bioequivalence, and precision for both parallel group and crossover designs. The author discusses how trial objectives impact the study design with respect to the derivation of formulae for sample size calculations. He uses real-life studies throughout to show how the concepts and calculations can be employed
t provides descriptions of the calculations with a practical emphasis. Focusing on normal, binary, ordinal, and survival data, the book explores a range of trials, including superiority, equivalence, non-inferiority, bioequivalence, and precision for both parallel group and crossover designs. The author discusses how trial objectives impact the study design with respect to the derivation of formulae for sample size calculations. He uses real-life studies throughout to show how the concepts and calculations can be employed. This work underscores the i