Author: Lesley Hobbs BA SRN RMN RN
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0750652004
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0750652004
Best Labour Possible, 2e
author lesley hobbs format paperback language english publication year 16 02 2001 subject politics government subject 2 political ideologies parties can t find what you re looking for home page about us feedback payment delivery customer service contact us the best labour possible product details category books isbn 0750652004 title the best labour possible author lesley hobbs sku gor 001655780 item description world of books was founded in 2005 recycling books sold to us through charities eithe Read medical textbooks online like Best Labour Possible here

Best Labour Possible, 9780750652001
Best Labour Possible, ISBN-13: 9780750652001, ISBN-10: 0750652004
author lesley hobbs format paperback language english publication year 16 02 2001 subject politics government subject 2 political ideologies parties book details title the best labour possible item condition used item in a good condition author lesley hobbs isbn 10 0750652004 publisher books for midwives isbn 13 9780750652001 published on 2001 02 16 sku awe 9780750652001 binding paperback language english edition list price 21 99 description at awesomebooks we believe that good quality and speed

All pregnant women feel some degree of apprehension before the birth of their baby. Knowing what is likely to happen and how to cope with the various stages of labour will help to ease any anxieties.

Elsevier Health Sciences | 2001 | 160 pages | ISBN-13: 9780750652001 | ISBN-10: 0750652004 | You save 10%
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