Author: Regina Coppen
Edition: 1st
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1856422569
Edition: 1st
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1856422569
Birthing Positions: Do midwives know best?
Women have been delivering in the upright position for centuries. The evidence is clear that upright birthing positions confer greater advantage than nonupright positions, such as recumbent, lateral and semi-recumbent. Yet in present day practice, the majority of women are still delivering 'flat' on the bed. The author argues that women are not aware of the different positions and that midwives are not always prepared to deliver them in their position of choice. The text looks at the evidence for and against the use of different birthing positions. A systematic review of the evidence from a historical, anthropological and scientific perspective is discussed. The results of a randomised controlled trial on women's decision making and choice of Birthing Positions: Do midwives know best?, ISBN-13: 9781856422567, ISBN-10: 1856422569 Read medical textbooks online like Birthing Positions here

Birthing Positions: Do Midwives Know Best: The Evidence - What Do Women Want? W.
author regina coppen format paperback language english publication year 01 09 2005 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services birthing positions do midwives know best the evidence what do women want w author biography regina coppen phd mphil ba pgcea adm rm rn is an experienced midwife with a career of 23 years she has developed numerous courses for pre registration and post registration and postgraduate students at kings college london she completed her phd in 2002 on the psy
TheNile.com.au About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 Birthing Positions by Regina Coppen Format Paperback Condition Brand New The Book Will Be Divided Into Three Sections: Section 1 - Historical And Anthropological Evidence On The Use Of Different Birthing Positions, Charting The Timeline And Highlighting How Medicalisation Of Childbirth Over Centuries Played A Part In Influencing Present Day Practice. Section 2 - Empirical Evidence, A Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Focused

Mark Allen Group | 2005 | 160 pages | ISBN-13: 9781856422567 | ISBN-10: 1856422569 | You save 15%
Birthing Positions Online
The evidence is clear that upright birthing positions confer greater advantage than nonupright positions, such as recumbent, lateral and semi-recumbent. Yet in present day practice, the majority of women are still delivering 'flat' on the bed. The author argues that women are not aware of the different positions and that midwives are not always prepared to deliver them in their position of choice. The text looks at the evidence for and against the use of different birthing positions
The results of a randomised controlled trial on women's decision making and choice of