Author: Maureen Boyle MSC RN RM ADM PGCEA
Edition: 1st
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1898507252
Edition: 1st
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1898507252
Antenatal Fetal Assessment (Geological Society Miscellaneous Paper)
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Physiology of Prenatal Exercise and Fetal Development by Linda E. May Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New This assessment of the latest research into the influence of exercise on the fetus in utero examines a range of evidence suggesting that mothers-to-be who take regular exercise are doing their future children a big biological and physiological favor. Publisher Description This new SpringerBrief in Physiology e Read medical textbooks online like Antenatal Fetal Assessment here

Antenatal Fetal Assessment

by Boyle - Elsevier Science (1996) - Paperback - ISBN 1898507252 9781898507253

This new book will enable family practitioners, obstetricians and pediatricians to answer the concerns of the families in their care. It is the first book to make information on this important topic so easily accessible to clinicians. The book is firmly rooted in clinical practice and based on many years of experience, much of it involving the development and implementation of new techniques for examining the fetus in utero. The techniques now available are assessed and better ways to identify pregnancies which are eligible to their application are proposed. The authors describe both the sampl

This new book will enable family practitioners obstetricians and pediatricians to answer the concerns of the families in their care It is the first book to make information on this important topic so easily accessible to clinicians The book is firmly rooted in clinical practice and based on many years of experience much of it involving the development and implementation of new techniques for examining the fetus in utero The techniques now available are assessed and better ways to identify pregnancies which are eligible to their application are proposed The authors describe both the sampling an

This new book will enable family practitioners, obstetricians and pediatricians to answer the concerns of the families in their care. It is the first book to make information on this important topic so easily accessible to clinicians. The book is firmly rooted in clinical practice and based on many years of experience, much of it involving the development and implementation of new techniques for examining the fetus in utero. The techniques now available are assessed and better ways to identify pregnancies which are eligible to their application are proposed. The authors describe both the sampl
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