Author: Laurie N. Sherwen
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0534012922
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0534012922
Analysis and Application of Nursing Research: Parent-Neonate Studies
"The most complete and detailed book devoted to middle range theories, this text examines theories and their applications in clinical nursing research and practice. The authors provide expert advice on selecting an appropriate theory for a nursing research project and on critiquing theories. The most frequently cited middle range nursing theories are explored in individual chapters. Each theory chapter includes examples of the theory's use in research, sample application of the theory, analysis exercises, and critical thinking exercises. The Third Edition includes new chapters on Attachment theory and the Shuler Nurse Practitioner Practice Model.File Size: 8742 KBPrint Length: 368 pagesSimultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limitsPublisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Third edition (July 31, 2012) Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.Language: EnglishASIN: B008RDQM2W" Read medical textbooks online like Analysis and Application of Nursing Research here

Middle Range Theories: Application to Nursing Research
The most complete and detailed book devoted to middle range theories, thistext examines theories and their applications in clinical nursing research and practice.The authors provide expert advice on selecting an appropriate theory for a nursing research project and on critiquing theories. The most frequently cited middle range nursing theories are explored in individual chapters.Each theory chapter includes examples of the theorys use in research, sample application of the theory, analysis exercises, and critical thinking exercises.The Third Edition includes new chapters on Attachment theory a

"The most complete and detailed book devoted to middle range theories, this text examines theories and their applications in clinical nursing research and practice. The authors provide expert advice on selecting an appropriate theory for a nursing research project and on critiquing theories. The most frequently cited middle range nursing theories are explored in individual chapters. Each theory chapter includes examples of the theory's use in research, sample application of the theory, analysis exercises, and critical thinking exercises. The Third Edition includes new chapters on Attachment th

This groundbreaking text is the most complete and detailed book devoted to middle-range theories and their applications in clinical nursing research. The book thoroughly explains the process of selecting an appropriate theory for a particular nursing research study and sets forth criteria for critiquing theories. Each chapter includes examples of research using middle-range theories, definitions of key terms, analysis exercises, reference lists, and relevant Websites. Instruments are presented in appendices. New features of this edition include analysis questions for all theories; new chapters

For professionals with a career in nursing and/or the medical field.Designed to help readers understand the development and evaluation of the theoretical base for advanced nursing practice research and education, this book familiarizes readers with a broad range of nursing models and their roles in nursing practice.
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