Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443103178
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443103178
Mental Health in Pregnancy and Childbirth, 1e
Mental Health in Pregnancy and Childbirth Text and Evolve eBooks Package, ISBN-13: 9780702041600, ISBN-10: 0702041602 Read medical textbooks online like Mental Health in Pregnancy and Childbirth here

Mental Health in Pregnancy and Childbirth + Evolve E-book

Mental Health in Pregnancy and Childbirth + Evolve E-book, ISBN-13: 9780702041600, ISBN-10: 0702041602
format paperback language english publication year 13 02 2007 subject medicine subject 2 medicine textbooks study guides mental health in pregnancy and childbirth isbn 0443103178 title mental health in pregnancy and childbirth ean 9780443103179 authors binding paperback publisher churchill livingstone publish date 2007 02 13 t 00 00 00 pages 256 edition 1 weight 381 condition used good sku 1460052 about greener books greener books is an enterprise with a particular passion for supporting the env

This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It takes a comprehensive look at the issues surrounding mental illness and pregnancy. Describing common disorders and their relationship with pregnancy, it promotes an understanding of the issues involved and offers tools to providing the most effective woman-centred maternity care. All health professionals concerned with the wellbeing of the pregnant woman will find invaluable help and guidance in this book. Given the identification of mental health problems as a leading cause of maternal death (C

by Sally Ann Price - Elsevier Science (2007) - Paperback - ISBN 0443103178 9780443103179
Mental Health in Pregnancy and Childbirth Online