Author: PDR Staff
Edition: 2012 Edition
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1563637995
Edition: 2012 Edition
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1563637995
PDR Pharmacopoeia Pocket Dosing Guide 2012 (Physicians' Desk Reference Pharmacopoeia Pocket Dosing Guide)
PDR Pharmacopoeia Pocket Dosing Guide 2012, ISBN-13: 9781563637995, ISBN-10: 1563637995 Read medical textbooks online like PDR Pharmacopoeia Pocket Dosing Guide 2012 here

Pdr Pharmacopoeia Pocket Dosing Guide 2012 Pdr Staff (corporate Author)
format paperback softback language english publication year 27 10 2011 series physicians desk reference pharmacopoeia pocket dosing guide subject medicine subject 2 medicine textbooks study guides title pdr pharmacopoeia pocket dosing guide 2012 author pdr staff corporate author publisher physicians desk reference inc publication date oct 26 2011 pages 300 binding paperback edition 12 dimensions 3 50 wx 5 00 hx 0 50 d isbn 1563637995 subject medical drug guides description designed to help red

Designed to help reduce and eliminate errors by making dosing information readily accessible, this pocket dosing guide includes more than 1200 chemical/biological entities '' including recently approved drugs, summaries of "black box" warnings, and FDA-regulated pediatric dosage on all drugs for which such dosing exists. The guide is organized by approved and therapeutic class for fast access and includes keys to common drug-related abbreviations, weights and measures, conversions, and formulas. It also features immunization tables and quick comparison charts for antihistamines, oral contracep
Contributors: PDR Staff - Author. Format: Paperback
Contributors: PDR Staff - Author. Format: Paperback
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