Author: Leora Kuttner
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1845904362
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1845904362
A Child in Pain: What Health Professionals Can Do to Help
This volume is designed to help pediatric health professionals gain a true understanding of childhood pain. Pain is the most common reason for children to seek a medical consultation and sometimes is the most common reason for avoiding it. Unaddressed fears and anxiety complicate pain management and recovery. This book comprehensively examines children's fears and anxieties that accompany their need for pain relief, and gives the professional the communication skills and words that can help calm these fears. This book is addressed to all disciplines, and is organized into three parts: Part I explores the scientific understanding of pain as a part of children s development; Part II explores pain treatments themselves, their efficacies and how Read medical textbooks online like A Child in Pain here

A Child in Pain: How to Help, What to Do

This book is based on a true story of the life of a child who became the victim of cruel circumstances that led to years of rejection, pain, heartache and abuse. Her blue eyes saw more in her young life,
Pain Through A Child's Eyes, ISBN-13: 9781456722494, ISBN-10: 1456722492
A Child in Pain Online
This book is addressed to all disciplines, and is organized into three parts: Part I explores the scientific understanding of pain as a part of children s development; Part II explores pain treatments themselves, their efficacies and how