Author: Anthea Symonds
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0333608771
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0333608771
The Social Meaning of Midwifery
`This book is fascinating. - Jill Cohen, International Journal of Midwifery `Sheila Hunt, in her observational study of labour ward culture shows us as we are.' - MIDIRS Midwifery Digest `I foresee it becoming a vadet mecum for all those involved in the provision of intrapartum care, wherever that may take place.' - Jeanne Taylor, Midwives Many books exist illustrating the power structure of the medical professional, which is male gendered, and its significance for women within this. No study has so far tackled the relationship between women as child birth professionals and women as mothers. The attitude of the midwife towards the labour ward is examined. How the mother is marginalised by the managerial role taken on by the midwife towards Attempting a sociological understanding of the work practices and strategies of midwives, this book uses an ethnographic study of a hospital labour ward to explore the social meaning of midwifery. It tackles the relationship between women as child-birth professionals and women as mothers. Read medical textbooks online like The Social Meaning of Midwifery here

The Social Meaning Of Midwifery Anthea Symonds Sheila C. Hunt Pap. 9780333608777
author anthea symonds author sheila c hunt format paperback language english publication year 07 12 1994 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services the social meaning of midwifery by anthea symonds sheila c hunt published by palgrave macmillan not quite what you re looking for see more books in social groups history or sciences social and behavioural all free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and commerce c
author anthea symonds author sheila c hunt format paperback language english publication year 07 12 1994 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services book details title the social meaning of midwifery item condition used item in a good condition author sheila hunt anthea symonds isbn 10 0333608771 publisher palgrave macmillan isbn 13 9780333608777 published on 1994 12 07 sku awe 9780333608777 binding paperback language english edition list price 26 99 description at awesomebooks

This book is written by Anthea Symonds, Sheila C. Hunt Published by Palgrave Macmillan In 1994 and is available in Paperback Usually Ships in 3 Days.
The Social Meaning of Midwifery Online
- Jill Cohen, International Journal of Midwifery `Sheila Hunt, in her observational study of labour ward culture shows us as we are.' - MIDIRS Midwifery Digest `I foresee it becoming a vadet mecum for all those involved in the provision of intrapartum care, wherever that may take place.' - Jeanne Taylor, Midwives Many books exist illustrating the power structure of the medical professional, which is male gendered, and its significance for women within this. No study has so far tackled the relationship between women as child birth professionals and women as mothers
How the mother is marginalised by the managerial role taken on by the midwife towards