Author: Facts and Comparisons
Edition: 57th
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1574391356
Edition: 57th
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1574391356
Drug Facts and Comparisons, 2003
This hardbound annual contains comprehensive information on over 22,000 Rx and almost 6000 OTC items grouped by therapeutic category for ease of comparison. It features the "Color Locator", a full-colour section of photographs of the most frequently prescribed tablets and capsules organized by colour for easy visual identification. The book answers questions about: actions, indications and contraindications; warnings and precautions; interactions between drugs; adverse reactions; administrations, dosage and overdosage; and patient information. Comparisons are provided of drug to drug and of different dosage forms, and name brands are compared to name brands and to generics. Facts and comparisons are also given on Centers for Disease Control Author: Facts and Comparisons Staff ISBN-10: 157439110X Read medical textbooks online like Drug Facts and Comparisons here

Drug Facts and Comparisons

by Erwin Kastrup - Facts and Comparisons (1996) - Paperback - ISBN 0932686001 9780932686008
Categories: Drug interactions->Popular works, Drugs->Administration and dosage->Handbooks, Drug interactions->Popular works. Contributors: Facts & Comparisons - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Drug interactions->Popular works, Drugs->Administration and dosage->Handbooks, Drug interactions->Popular works. Contributors: Facts & Comparisons - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Drug interactions->Popular works, Drugs->Handbooks, manuals, etc., Drug interactions->Popular works. Contributors: Facts & Facts & Comparisons - Produced by. Format: Hardcover
Drug Facts and Comparisons Online
Facts and comparisons are also given on Centers for Disease Control