Edition: 2.00
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0781783550
Edition: 2.00
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0781783550
Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy, 2e
This primary textbook for a first course in pharmacology offers an integrated, systems-based, and mechanism-based approach to understanding drug therapy. Each chapter focuses on a target organ system, begins with a clinical case, and incorporates cell biology, biochemistry, physiology, and pathophysiology to explain how and why different drug classes are effective for diseases in that organ system. Over 400 two-color illustrations show molecular, cellular, biochemical, and pathophysiologic processes underlying diseases and depict targets of drug therapy. Each Second Edition chapter includes a drug summary table presenting mechanism, clinical applications, adverse effects, contraindications, and therapeutic considerations. New chapters expla Categories: Pharmacology, Clinical->Handbooks, Pharmacology->Terminology, Pharmacology. Contributors: Golan - Author. Format: NOOK Study Read medical textbooks online like Principles of Pharmacology here

Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting / Edition 5
ISBN-10 1111552274, ISBN-13 9781111552275 ISBN-10 1111131821, ISBN-13 9781111131821 Author(s): Rice Publisher: Cengage Learning Copyright year: © 2011 Pages: 624 Description PRINCIPLES OF PHARMACOLOGY FOR MEDICAL ASSISTING, 5E provides a comprehensive introduction to pharmacology for medical assistants and other allied health professionals. Beginning with a mathematics review, math concepts are presented in a clear and concise manner with step-by-step explanations and many examples, followed by practice problems for immediate reinforcement. Once mastered, learn about adult and pediatric dosag

Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy, Third Edition, is a primary textbook for a first course in pharmacology. It offers anSection 1. Fundamental Principles of Pharmacology Chapter 1. Drug-Receptor InteractionsChapter 2. PharmacodynamicsChapter 3. PharmacokineticsChapter 4. Drug MetabolismChapter 5. Drug Toxici

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