Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0198569572
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0198569572
Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing
Children's and young people's (CYP) nursing requires special skills and a unique perspective. The Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing gives concise, practical and expert advice on all aspects of the nurse's role. Written for both practising and student nurses, it is a comprehensive and reliable guide to the care of children and young people in a family context. Giving a complete picture of the role of the CYP nurse, the contents are arranged to mirror the key concepts of CYP nursing. Helping you achieve the best possible results for your patients, the authors offer a wealth of recommendations, guidance and information from their years of experience. Whatever situation you are in, the Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young Enabling nurses to deliver safe and effective care and to achieve the best possible results for their patients, the Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 2nd edition is concise and practical guide to all aspects of the CYP nurse's role. Covering assessment and management, right through to advice for the family, the expert authors provide information on a wide range of topics, including normal growth and development, pain, palliative care, religion and culture, and professional issues. In addition there is also and a separate section on paediatric emergencies and coverage of recognising deviations from the norm as well as interpreting clinical findings and investigations, and measures to promote successful care practice. Fully updated and revised for this new edition, it is now packed full of even more clinical information and practical advice, including a wealth of guidance and recommendations that have been gleaned from the authors' many years of experience. The most up-to- date legislation, policy and practice is now covered, including significant changes in child safeguarding, immunisation, medicines, resuscitation protocols and the common assessment framework. The chapter on neonatal care has also been expanded and now contains information on care and breastfeeding of the pre-term infant, as well as developmental and kangaroo care. Cochlea implants, intussusception and professional issues - such as working with diverse communities, and involving young people in health services have also been included. Written by practising nurses and subject experts, the Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 2nd edition continues to be a unique and invaluable companion to practising and student nurses, and to all who need to understand the special issues associated with children's and young people's nursing. Read medical textbooks online like Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing here

Oxford Handbook Of Children's And Young People's Nursing And Emergencies In Chi.
format paperback language english publication year 30 06 2011 series oxford handbooks in nursing subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services oxford handbook of children s and young people s nursing and emergencies in chi contained items statement 2 paperbacks content note various black and white photos and line drawings country of publication united kingdom date of publication 30 06 2011 edited by alan glasper gillian mcewing jim richardson format paperback format details plast
format paperback language english publication year 30 06 2011 series oxford handbooks in nursing subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services contained items statement 2 paperbacks content note various black and white photos and line drawings country of publication united kingdom date of publication 30 06 2011 edited by alan glasper gillian mcewing jim richardson format paperback format details plastic genre level 1 adult non fiction specialist genre level 2 medicine genre level

New Paperback.
Contributors: Edward Alan Glasper - Editor. Format: Paperback
Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing Online
The Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing gives concise, practical and expert advice on all aspects of the nurse's role. Written for both practising and student nurses, it is a comprehensive and reliable guide to the care of children and young people in a family context. Giving a complete picture of the role of the CYP nurse, the contents are arranged to mirror the key concepts of CYP nursing. Helping you achieve the best possible results for your patients, the authors offer a wealth of recommendations, guidance and information from their years of experience
he Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing gives concise, practical and expert advice on all aspects of the nurse's role. Written for both practising and student nurses, it is a comprehensive and reliable guide to the care of children and young people in a family context. Giving a complete picture of the role of the CYP nurse, the contents are arranged to mirror the key concepts of CYP nursing. Helping you achieve the best possible results for your patients, the authors offer a wealth of recommendations, guidance and information from their years of experience. Whatever situation you are in, the Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young