Author: Cynthia Knapp Dlugosz
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1582121400
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1582121400
The Practitioner's Quick Reference to Nonprescription Drugs
The Practitioner's Quick Reference to Nonprescription Drugs contains information from the American Pharmacists Association's comprehensive Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs: An Interactive Approach to Self-Care, 16th edition. The content has been edited and formatted to include only the material that practitioners are most likely to need during self-care consultations with patients. The book covers 25 common, self-treatable conditions including acne, common cold, fever, headache, and musculoskeletal pain. This is a must-have resource for busy health practitioners. Each chapter begins with an algorithm that presents treatment and follow-up recommendations as well as exclusions for self-treatment.
The accompanying text expands on The Practitioner's Quick Reference to Nonprescription Drugs, 2nd edition, covers 25 common self-treatable conditions including acne, common cold, cough, fever, and headache. This quick-reference has been Read medical textbooks online like The Practitioner's Quick Reference to Nonprescription Drugs here

The Practitioner's Quick Reference To Nonprescription Drugs Ebook

The Practitioner's Quick Reference to Nonprescription Drugs, 2nd edition, covers 25 common self-treatable conditions including acne, common cold, cough, fever, and headache. This quick-reference has been edited and structured to include only the content that practitioners are most likely to need during self-care consultations with patients.
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The Practitioner's Quick Reference to Nonprescription Drugs, 2nd edition, covers 25 common self-treatable conditions including acne, common cold, cough, fever, and headache. This quick-reference has been edited and structured to include only the content that practitioners are most likely to need during self-care consultations with patients.
Categories: Medicine - Pharmacy * General. Contributors: Cynthia Knapp Dlugosz - Editor. Format: NOOK Book
The Practitioner's Quick Reference to Nonprescription Drugs Online
The content has been edited and formatted to include only the material that practitioners are most likely to need during self-care consultations with patients. The book covers 25 common, self-treatable conditions including acne, common cold, fever, headache, and musculoskeletal pain. This is a must-have resource for busy health practitioners. Each chapter begins with an algorithm that presents treatment and follow-up recommendations as well as exclusions for self-treatment
he content has been edited and formatted to include only the material that practitioners are most likely to need during self-care consultations with patients. The book covers 25 common, self-treatable conditions including acne, common cold, fever, headache, and musculoskeletal pain. This is a must-have resource for busy health practitioners. Each chapter begins with an algorithm that presents treatment and follow-up recommendations as well as exclusions for self-treatment.
The accompanying text expands on