Author: Sandra S. Swick R.N. B.C.
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0764136976
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0764136976
Barron's Nursing School Entrance Exams
One multi-part model exam plus many shorter tests within each of this book's chapters will give prospective nursing school applicants general orientation and solid preparation before they take an actual nursing school entrance exam. While each entrance exam given by nursing schools throughout the country will vary in topics covered, this manual offers comprehensive coverage of virtually all possible topics. Prospective nursing students will value the authors' detailed description of the nursing profession, its duties, responsibilities, and satisfactions. That discussion is followed by a self-assessment questionnaire to help readers decide if nursing is the right career choice for them. The manual also provides test-taking strategies designed Barrons Educational Series Inc 9780764146688 Barrons Nursing School Entrance Exams By Swick, Sandra S./ Grimes, Corinne Description One multi-part model exam plus many shorter tests within each of this books chapters will give prospective nursing school applicants general orientation and solid preparation before they take an actual nursing school entrance exam. While each entrance exam given by nursing schools throughout the country will vary in topics covered, this manual offers comprehensive Read medical textbooks online like Barron's Nursing School Entrance Exams here

Barron's Nursing School Entrance Exams, 4th Edition

Barron's Nursing School Entrance Exams, 4th Edition, ISBN-13: 9780764146688, ISBN-10: 0764146688
You are viewing a gently-used Barron's Nursing School Entrance Exams test preparation guide, paperback, 3rd edition. Some pencil writing throughout. No missing pages. Lots of practice questions. A great help for those difficult entrance tests!Posted with eBay Mobile

Barron's Nursing School Entrance Exams
Barron's Nursing School Entrance Exams Corinne Grimes Product code : 9780764146688 Format :Paperback 305 pages Category :Medical Published :01 September 2011 Condition :Brand new, unused SYNOPSIS A multi-part model exam plus many shorter tests in each of this book's chapters will give nursing school applicants orientation and preparation before they take an actual nursing school entrance exam. Though entrance exams vary from one school to another, this manual offers comprehensive coverage of vi
Barron's Nursing School Entrance Exams Online
The manual also provides test-taking strategies designed