Author: Barbara Gladson PhD PT OTR
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1437707572
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1437707572
Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals, 2e
Now fully revised and updated, Dr. Barbara Gladson's Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals, 2nd Edition, remains your best resource for understanding how various drugs affect patients during therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation. Using case studies and engaging activities, it helps you apply essential pharmacology information directly to rehabilitation practice. New chapters, a new reader-friendly design, new artwork, and more enhance the text and bring you up to date with both basic pharmacologic principles as well as the mechanism of action and side effects of drugs commonly seen in rehabilitation practice.Helps you develop effective exercise programs by providing drug/exercise interactions from a pharmacokinetics perspective. Y Now fully revised and updated, Dr. Barbara Gladsons Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals, 2nd Edition, remains your best resource for understanding how various drugs affect patients during therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation. Using case studies and engaging activities, it helps you apply essential pharmacology information directly to rehabilitation practice. New chapters, a new reader-friendly design, new artwork, and more enhance the text and bring you up to date with both basic pharmacologic principles as well as the mechanism of action and side effects of drugs commonly seen in rehabilitation practice. Read medical textbooks online like Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals here

Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals

Now fully revised and updated, Dr. Barbara Gladson's Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals, 2nd Edition, remains your best resource for understanding how various drugs affect patients during therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation. Using case studies and engaging activities, it helps you apply essential pharmacology information directly to rehabilitation practice. New chapters, a new reader-friendly design, new artwork, and more enhance the text and bring you up to date with both basic pharmacologic principles as well as the mechanism of action and side effects of drugs commonly seen i

Now fully revised and updated, Dr. Barbara Gladson's "Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals, 2nd Edition", remains your best resource for understanding how various drugs affect patients during therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation. Using case studies and engaging activities, it helps you apply essential pharmacology information directly to rehabilitation practice. New chapters, a new reader-friendly design, new artwork, and more enhance the text and bring you up to date with both basic pharmacologic principles as well as the mechanism of action and side effects of drugs commonly seen

Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals, ISBN-13: 9781437707571, ISBN-10: 1437707572
Powered by Frooition Pro Click here to view full size. Full Size Image Click to close full size. Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals - Book NEW Author(s): Barbara Gladson Format: Paperback # Pages: 528 ISBN-13: 9781437707571 Published: 09/15/2010 Language: English Weight: 2.77 pounds Brand new book. About Us Payment Shipping Customer Service FAQs Welcome to MovieMars All items are Brand New. We offer unbeatable prices, quick shipping times and a wide selection second to none. Purchase
Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals Online
Barbara Gladson's Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals, 2nd Edition, remains your best resource for understanding how various drugs affect patients during therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation. Using case studies and engaging activities, it helps you apply essential pharmacology information directly to rehabilitation practice. New chapters, a new reader-friendly design, new artwork, and more enhance the text and bring you up to date with both basic pharmacologic principles as well as the mechanism of action and side effects of drugs commonly seen in rehabilitation practice.Helps you develop effective exercise programs by providing drug/exercise interactions from a pharmacokinetics perspective
arbara Gladson's Pharmacology for Rehabilitation Professionals, 2nd Edition, remains your best resource for understanding how various drugs affect patients during therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation. Using case studies and engaging activities, it helps you apply essential pharmacology information directly to rehabilitation practice. New chapters, a new reader-friendly design, new artwork, and more enhance the text and bring you up to date with both basic pharmacologic principles as well as the mechanism of action and side effects of drugs commonly seen in rehabilitation practice.Helps you develop effective exercise programs by providing drug/exercise interactions from a pharmacokinetics perspective. Y