Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 999485271X
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 999485271X
Nursing Research and Policy Formation: The Case of Prospective Payment
Overview - Leddy and Pepper's Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing Product Details Pub. Date: September 2009 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ISBN-13: 9780781792486 / 9781608319701 ISBN: 0781792487 Edition Description: Seventh Edition Synopsis Now in its Seventh Edition, this broad-based text addresses the philosophical, developmental, theoretical, accountability, care delivery, and leadership issues encountered by professional nurses throughout a lifetime career. The book outlines the multidimensional roles that encompass professional nursing practice. This edition includes key updated information regarding the influence of nurses in public policy formation, changes in health care delivery, multicultural issues in professional practice, and nursing practice implications of new advances in technology, management, and nursing research. Clinical vignettes based on real-life scenarios illustrate key concepts in each ... Read medical textbooks online like Nursing Research and Policy Formation here

Leddy & Pepper's Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing

Now in its Seventh Edition, this broad-based text addresses the philosophical, developmental, theoretical, accountability, care delivery, and leadership issues encountered by professional nurses throughout a lifetime career. The book outlines the multidimensional roles that encompass professional nursing practice. This edition includes key updated information regarding the influence of nurses in public policy formation, changes in health care delivery, multicultural issues in professional practice, and nursing practice implications of new advances in technology, management, and nursing researc

Health care providers, especially nurses, engage in policy agenda setting, formulation, implementation, and evaluation at multiple levels a individual, system, institutional, and societal/public level. Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals provides a comprehensive and multi-perspective approach to policy development and formulation that includes policy evaluation and research. Unlike other tests, it utilizes a condensed format without a large amount of explanatory text. Features include tables, figures, chapter summaries, and a resource list.

Now in its Seventh Edition, this broad-based text addresses the philosophical, developmental, theoretical, accountability, care delivery, and leadership issues encountered by professional nurses throughout a lifetime career. The book outlines the multidimensional roles that encompass professional nursing practice. This edition includes key updated information regarding the influence of nurses in public policy formation, changes in health care delivery, multicultural issues in professional practice, and nursing practice implications of new advances in technology, management, and nursing researc
Healthcare providers frequently engage in setting policy agenda at the individual, systems, institutional, or public level. Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals provides an overview of the policymaking process within a variety of settings including academia, clinical practice, communities, and various healthcare systems. By including both policy evaluation and research, the author provides a comprehensive and multi-perspective approach to developing and formulating effective healthcare policy. Unlike other texts, Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Oth
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