Author: L. Michael Posey
Edition: 2nd
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1582120943
Edition: 2nd
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1582120943
Complete Review for the Pharmacy Technician (APhA Pharmacy Technician Training Series)
APhA's Complete Review for the Pharmacy Technician is ideal for students entering formal technician programs, for new community and hospital pharmacy technicians beginning in-house training, and for candidates preparing for the national Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) examination. Color medical illustrations and photographs make the contents easier to read and understand, and forms and tables make key information easy to find. This manual focuses on the tasks that technicians actually perform. Using the most recent Content Outline of the PTCB, the text covers the responsibilities and knowledge that PTCB tests for on its certification examination. Calculation exercises reinforce learning.
Forms and tables collect im This concise four-color reference is both a thorough primer on the many specific activities that pharmacy technicians actually perform and a detailed review of all the knowledge that test candidates must master to pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam Read medical textbooks online like Complete Review for the Pharmacy Technician here

Complete Review for the Pharmacy Technician

This is the first review organized to correspond directly to the national Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam's new content. It outlines more that 100 full-color illustrations, and clarifies basic concepts. It is updated to cover subjects added to the new Content Outline of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam.

High quality textbook for on-the-job technician training This concise four-color reference is both a thorough primer on the many specific activities that pharmacy technicians actually perform and a detailed review of all the knowledge that test candidates must master to pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam. The first review organized to correspond directly to the national Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam's new content outline 100+ full-color illustrations clarify basic concepts Updated to cover subjects added to the new Content Outline of the Pharmacy Technician Certification
Complete Review for the Pharmacy Technician , ISBN-13: 9781582120942, ISBN-10: 1582120943

Complete Review for the Pharmacy Technician
Complete Review for the Pharmacy Technician Online
Color medical illustrations and photographs make the contents easier to read and understand, and forms and tables make key information easy to find. This manual focuses on the tasks that technicians actually perform. Using the most recent Content Outline of the PTCB, the text covers the responsibilities and knowledge that PTCB tests for on its certification examination. Calculation exercises reinforce learning
olor medical illustrations and photographs make the contents easier to read and understand, and forms and tables make key information easy to find. This manual focuses on the tasks that technicians actually perform. Using the most recent Content Outline of the PTCB, the text covers the responsibilities and knowledge that PTCB tests for on its certification examination. Calculation exercises reinforce learning.
Forms and tables collect im