Author: MD, FAAEM, FACMT, Editor in Chief, Richard J. Hamilton
Edition: 4
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1449624200
Edition: 4
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1449624200
Tarascon Pharmacopoeia 2012 Professional Desk Reference Edition
The Tarascon Pharmacopoeia 2012 Professional Desk Reference Edition continues its tradition as the leading portable drug reference packed with vital drug information to help clinicians make better decisions at the point of care. Each edition is meticulously peer-reviewed by experts and clinicians of multiple specialties. It details typical drug dosing (both FDA approved and off-label uses), available trade and generic formulations, metabolism, safety in pregnancy and lactation, relative drug pricing information, Canadian trade names, and an herbal & alternative therapies section. Save time and improve patient care with the 2012 Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia. The Tarascon Pharmacopoeia 2012 Professional Desk Reference Edition contains the same format paperback language english publication year 22 02 2012 subject medicine subject 2 clinical medicine professional title tarascon pharmacopoeia 2012 professional desk reference edition author md faaem facmt editor in chief richard j hamilton publisher jones bartlett learning publication date dec 28 2011 pages 436 binding paperback edition 13 dimensions 7 00 wx 10 00 hx 1 00 d isbn 1449624200 subject medical pharmacology brand new paperback all orders get full access to our online status t Read medical textbooks online like Tarascon Pharmacopoeia 2012 Professional Desk Reference Edition here

Tarascon Pharmacopoeia 2012: Professional Desk Reference Edition Md, Faaem, Facm
format paperback language english publication year 22 02 2012 subject medicine subject 2 clinical medicine professional title tarascon pharmacopoeia 2012 professional desk reference edition author md faaem facmt editor in chief richard j hamilton publisher jones bartlett learning publication date dec 28 2011 pages 436 binding paperback edition 13 dimensions 7 00 wx 10 00 hx 1 00 d isbn 1449624200 subject medical pharmacology brand new paperback all orders get full access to our online status t
Tarascon Pharmacopoeia: Professional Desk Reference Edition (2012) Richard J. Hamilton Product code : 9781449624200 Format :Paperback 442 pages Category :Medical Published :22 February 2012 Condition :Brand new, unused SYNOPSIS The Tarascon Pharmacopoeia 2012 Professional Desk Reference Edition continues its tradition as the leading portable drug reference packed with vital drug information to help clinicians make better decisions at the point of care. Each edition is meticulously peer-reviewed
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The Tarascon Pharmacopoeia 2012 Professional Desk Reference Edition contains the same