Edition: 27
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1563635747
Edition: 27
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1563635747
Drug Information for the Health Care Professional (USP DI: v.1 Drug Information for the Health Care Professional)
The premier drug information reference, this fully updated resource gives you detailed coverage?including both labeled and off-label used?of more than 11.000 generic and brand-name drugs dispensed in the US and Canada. In addition to being updated with the newest drug information, this edition has been enhanced with two new Off-label Uses Indices. You will have access to the most current list of off-label uses sorted by drug, and sorted by indication. The editorial staff, comprising distinguished physicians, pharmacists, nurses, toxicologists, and other healthcare specialists, thoroughly research and evaluate medical literature to substantiate clinical off-label uses. Read medical textbooks online like Drug Information for the Health Care Professional (USP DI here

USP DI Vol. 1 : Drug Information for the Health Care Professional

For the pharmacist, there is no more reliable source of drug information available today. Thoroughly researched drug monographs provide information on indications, drug interactions, side effects, pharmacology/pharmacokinetics, dosing and patient consultation covering more than 11000 prescription drugs, generic and brand-named. Author: Medical Economics Staff, Micromedex Staff, USP Staff ISBN-10: 1563633727
Usp Di, 2000 Drug Information for the Health Care Professional, ISBN-13: 9781563633317, ISBN-10: 1563633310
Contributors: PDR - Author. Format: Hardcover

Drug Information for the Health Care Professional (USP DI Online