Author: Delmar Learning
Edition: 1
Binding: CD-ROM
ISBN: 0766805875
Edition: 1
Binding: CD-ROM
ISBN: 0766805875
Nurse's Research Library
Citations of journal articles for 100 leading nursing journals each citation contains: an abstract, data on nursing diagnoses and interventions, research methodologies and more. over 35,000 records since January 1992 Student Edition. With the Nurse's Research Library you will have information from over 100 leading nursing journals at your fingertips. This CD-ROM allows you to quickly search through more than 36,000 article abstracts going back to 1992 to find the information you need to write papers, prepare care plans, answer clinical questions and conduct literature reviews. Every citation contains important data from the article, along with diagnoses and interventions, clinical and research tools, and more. Mark your search trial for later With RNdex 'TM' Student Edition you will have information from over 100 leading nursing journals at your fingertips. This CD-ROM allows you to quickly search through more than 36000 article abstracts going back to 1992 to find the information you need to write papers, prepare care plans, answer clinical questions and conduct literature reviews. Every citation contains important data from the article, along with diagnoses and interventions, clinical and research tools, and more. Mark your search trial for later reference by clicking on the book icon. Downloading and printing records are as simple as clicking your mouse. Author: Delmar Publishers ISBN-10: 0766805875 Read medical textbooks online like Nurse's Research Library here

Nurse's Research Library, 9780766805873
Nurse's Research Library, ISBN-13: 9780766805873, ISBN-10: 0766805875

Categories: Nursing->Research->Methodology, Online library catalogs. Contributors: Dennis C. Tucker - Author. Format: Paperback
author colin r martin author david r thompson format hardback language english publication year 21 12 2000 series routledge essentials for nurses subject social sciences subject 2 library information science design and analysis of clinical nursing research studies isbn 9780415225984 title design and analysis of clinical nursing research studies authors colin r martin david r thompson binding hardcover publisher routledge publication date jan 15 2000 edition condition used good ships from uk in 4
Nurse's Research Library Online
over 35,000 records since January 1992 Student Edition. With the Nurse's Research Library you will have information from over 100 leading nursing journals at your fingertips. This CD-ROM allows you to quickly search through more than 36,000 article abstracts going back to 1992 to find the information you need to write papers, prepare care plans, answer clinical questions and conduct literature reviews. Every citation contains important data from the article, along with diagnoses and interventions, clinical and research tools, and more
ver 35,000 records since January 1992 Student Edition. With the Nurse's Research Library you will have information from over 100 leading nursing journals at your fingertips. This CD-ROM allows you to quickly search through more than 36,000 article abstracts going back to 1992 to find the information you need to write papers, prepare care plans, answer clinical questions and conduct literature reviews. Every citation contains important data from the article, along with diagnoses and interventions, clinical and research tools, and more. Mark your search trial for later