Author: Patricia W. Ladewig
Edition: Har/Psc/Pa
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0138001316
Edition: Har/Psc/Pa
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0138001316
Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing + Pediatric Nursing
Title: Core Curriculum for Maternal-Newborn Nursing, Ed. 4
Author/Editor: AWHONN; Mattson, Susan; Smith, Judy
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Imprint: Saunders
Publication Date: 04/26/2010
Pages: 736
Size: 7.25 X 10.25 in
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-4377-1576-7Copyright: 2011
Using an outcomes-based, contemporary approach, AWHONN's Core Curriculum for Maternal-Newborn Nursing, 4th Edition provides essential knowledge for care through every stage of pregnancy and childbirth. It is also the definitive resource in preparing for the AWHONN certification examination. A concise, outline format covers concepts of reproduction, fetal development, normal pregnancy, the intrapartum and postpartum periods, the normal newborn, complications in the mother and the newborn, and ethical and legal issues. Edited by two well-respected authors, Susan Mattson, RNC, CTN, PhD, FAAN, and Judy Smith, PhD, RNP-C, this is the only book that includes AWHONN-endorsed content for the practice of maternal-newborn nursing!
Key Features:
A bulleted, outline format provides quick review and reference on the management of pregnant women and their newborns through all stages of care.
AWHONN-endorsed content makes this the definitive resource in preparing for current practice and for AWHONN specialty nursing certification exams.
Case studies and review questions reflect the realities of practice and help you prepare for certification exams.
Coverage of outpatient and inpatient care includes families, ethics, legal issues, research, case management, genetics and genetic counseling, and the transition to home and parenthood.
New to This Edition:
New evidence-based practice content includes the latest research and best practice standards for maternal-newborn patient care.
New National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD) terminology fosters interdisciplinary communication and ensures greater accuracy and precision.
New patient safety and risk management strategies help in improving outcomes, reducing complications, and increasing patient safety.
New information on the latest assessment and monitoring devices describes new applications of technology and the resulting benefits to patient care.
Published Review:"Published with the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, this volume brings together nurses from the US who detail the essentials of care for every stage of pregnancy and childbirth, for practicing nurses preparing for certification exams in maternal-newborn nursing or as a resource for graduate students. Mattson (nursing and healthcare innovation, Arizona State U.) and Smith (nursing, California State U.-Long Beach) present 29 chapters on reproduction, fetal development, normal pregnancy, the intrapartum and postpartum periods, the normal newborn, complications in the mother and newborn, and ethical and legal issues, in an outline format. This edition emphasizes assessment/clinical practice and interventions and has new National Institute of Child Health & Human Development terms for electronic fetal monitoring, as well as patient safety and risk management strategies and information on the latest assessment and monitoring devices. Nursing diagnoses as a basis for interventions have been deleted." - Book News, Inc.
Author Information:By AWHONN; Susan Mattson, RNC-OB, CTN, PhD, FAAN, Professor Emerita, College of Nursing and Healthcare Innovation, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ and Judy E. Smith, PhD, RNC-WHNP, Professor, School of Nursing, California State University-Long Beach, Long Beach, CA Read medical textbooks online like Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing + Pediatric Nursing here

Maternal New Born & Child Health Nursing I

Curriculum Design And Instruction To Teach Maternal-Newborn, and Child Nursing: Family Centered Care: Maternal New Born & Child Health Nursing I: Author: Charles Hayes: Special Features Include: Phases For Conducting A Needs Assessment: Curriculum Design Supplement: Curriculum Design Plan: Curriculum Design Goals: Curriculum Design Objectives: Instructional Goals: Instructional Objectives: Instructional Evaluation Techniques: Instructional Activities: Standard Vocabulary: A Limited Glimpse: Topics Include: I. Introduction A. Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Nursing: B. Nursing Roles In Mate
Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing + Pediatric Nursing Online