Author: Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent RN RM MSc ADM PGCEA
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0702024244
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0702024244
Health Promotion in Midwifery
This practical and exciting new text explores health promotion and the role of the midwife today. It offers practical advice while integrating health promotion theory into midwifery practice. The reader is encouraged to explore current health advice and to appraise the available information on health promotion and the midwifes role. Read medical textbooks online like Health Promotion in Midwifery here

Jacqueline Dunkley: Health Promotion in Midwifery Practice: A Resource for Health Professionals

Elsevier Health Sciences | 2000 | 272 pages | ISBN-13: 9780702024245 | ISBN-10: 0702024244 | You save 10%

This practical and exciting new text explores health promotion and the role of the midwife today. It offers practical advice while integrating health promotion theory into midwifery practice. The reader is encouraged to explore current health advice and to appraise the available information on health promotion and the midwife's role. *Author: Dunkley, Jacqueline/ Dunkley *Binding Type: Paperback *Number of Pages: 272 *Publication Date: 2000/11/20 *Language: English *Dimensions: 9.69 x 7.44 x 0.56 inches
author jan bowden author vicky manning format paperback language english publication year 24 02 2006 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services title health promotion in midwifery principles and practice author jan bowden vicky manning publisher hodder arnold publication date apr 30 2006 pages 210 binding paperback edition 2 nd dimensions 8 75 wx 9 50 hx 0 50 d isbn 0340888806 subject medical gynecology obstetrics description explores the principles of health promotion withi

Health Promotion in Midwifery : Paperback : Taylor & Francis Ltd : 9780340888803 : 0340888806 : 01 May 2006 : Explores the principles of health promotion within the practical context of midwifery. This title outlines and discusses the midwife's role in health promotion making it useful reading for all student and practising midwives, as well as clinical practitioners.
Health Promotion in Midwifery Online