Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 080582670X
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 080582670X
Emerging Cognitive Abilities in Early infancy
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Emerging Cognitive Abilities in Early infancy

Emerging Cognitive Abilities in Early infancy - Claes Von Hofsten, Francisco Lacerda, Mikael Heimann
Emerging Cognitive Abilities in Early Infancy, ISBN-13: 9780805826692, ISBN-10: 0805826696

"Written by a group of developmental scientists, this book debates cognitive achievements in early infancy from a multidisciplinary perspective. The editors combine knowledge from different areas of infant development research to present an integrated view of the cognitive abilities emerging in early infancy. The chapters are arranged in a sequence that best conveys to the reader the line of reasoning that emerged during the development of this book. The book opens with chapters dealing with fundamental and general aspects of cognitive development, sweeps through the specific theme of language
Categories: Cognition in infants. Contributors: Francisco Lacerda - Editor. Format: Hardcover
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