Author: Linda Skidmore-Roth RN MSN NP
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323023096
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323023096
Mosby's 2005 Nursing Drug Reference
For current, complete drug information with a focus on safe medication administration, this is the book for you! This indispensable resource, featuring the latest drug information organized alphabetically, is a favorite of students and practitioners. You'll find drug indications, precautions and nursing considerations applicable to all of your patients. Every copy also includes a CD-ROM packed with useful tools, such as patient teaching guides in English and Spanish, a drug-interaction tool and detailed information on herbal products.Highlights High Alert drugs to caution nurses to use extra care in administering drugs most likely to cause patient harm.Features Research headings to denote drugs currently involved in important research studies Find Mosby's 2005 Nursing Drug Reference 2004 By Linda Skidmore-roth Rn M 0323023096 on eBay in the category Books>Fiction & Literature. Read medical textbooks online like Mosby's 2005 Nursing Drug Reference here

Mosby's 2005 Nursing Drug Reference, Skidmore-roth Rn Msn Np, Linda, Good Book
payment | shipping rates | returns Mosby's 2005 Nursing Drug Reference Product Category :Books ISBN :0323023096 Title :Mosby's 2005 Nursing Drug Reference EAN :9780323023092 Authors :Skidmore-Roth RN MSN NP, Linda Binding :Paperback Publisher :Mosby Publication Date :2004-06-21 Pages :1280 Signed :False First Edition :False Dust Jacket :False List Price (MSRP) :36.95 Height :1.5700 inches Width :4.4100 inches Length :7.4000 inches Weight :1.7200 pounds Condition :Good no cd, bent corner on cove

Mosby. PAPERBACK. 0323023096 Good. No dust jacket as issued. Ex-library. some wear to cover; disc included; stamps stickers and library marks; RTB1103 . Good. 2005.

by Joseph A. Albanese and Patricia A. Nutz - Elsevier Science (2005) - Box - ISBN 0323025617 9780323025614

Mosby's 2005 Nursing Drug Reference Online
Features Research headings to denote drugs currently involved in important research studies