Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0803950438
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0803950438
Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods
The issues of soundness of qualitative research are examined in this book. Contributors discuss how a researcher does qualitative research, considering such questions as: whether one deviates from the developer's protocol and what the ramifications are of such deviation, how students learn to acquire the conceptual skills necessary to conduct qualitative inquiry, and how theory "emerges" from the data. The book discusses group effect in focus groups and describes an observational method using videotaped data. The various schools of phenomenology and their major characteristics of excellence are explained, and the Glasserian and Straussian methods of grounded theory are compared. Issues of ethics and scientific integrity are also raised. Each chap format paperback language english publication year 18 11 1993 subject social sciences subject 2 sociology anthropology professional title critical issues in qualitative research methods author janice m morse publisher sage pubns publication date nov 18 1993 pages 401 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 5 75 wx 8 75 hx 1 00 d isbn 0803950438 subject social science ethnic studies general description the issues of soundness of qualitative research are examined in this book contributors disc Read medical textbooks online like Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods here

Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods

by Janice M. Morse - Sage Publications, Inc. (1994) - Paperback - ISBN 0803950438 9780803950436
format paperback language english publication year 18 11 1993 subject social sciences subject 2 sociology anthropology professional title critical issues in qualitative research methods author janice m morse publisher sage pubns publication date nov 18 1993 pages 401 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 5 75 wx 8 75 hx 1 00 d isbn 0803950438 subject social science ethnic studies general description the issues of soundness of qualitative research are examined in this book contributors disc
Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods, ISBN-13: 9780803950436, ISBN-10: 0803950438
Sage Publications (CA) 9780803950429 Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods Description The issues of soundness of qualitative research are examined in this book. Contributors discuss how a researcher does qualitative research, considering such questions as: whether one deviates from the developers protocol and what the ramifications are of such deviation, how students learn to acquire the conceptual skills necessary to conduct qualitative inquiry, and how theory emerges from the data.
Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods Online
Contributors discuss how a researcher does qualitative research, considering such questions as: whether one deviates from the developer's protocol and what the ramifications are of such deviation, how students learn to acquire the conceptual skills necessary to conduct qualitative inquiry, and how theory "emerges" from the data. The book discusses group effect in focus groups and describes an observational method using videotaped data. The various schools of phenomenology and their major characteristics of excellence are explained, and the Glasserian and Straussian methods of grounded theory are compared. Issues of ethics and scientific integrity are also raised
ontributors discuss how a researcher does qualitative research, considering such questions as: whether one deviates from the developer's protocol and what the ramifications are of such deviation, how students learn to acquire the conceptual skills necessary to conduct qualitative inquiry, and how theory "emerges" from the data. The book discusses group effect in focus groups and describes an observational method using videotaped data. The various schools of phenomenology and their major characteristics of excellence are explained, and the Glasserian and Straussian methods of grounded theory are compared. Issues of ethics and scientific integrity are also raised. Each chap