Author: Patricia Schull
Edition: 1
Binding: Spiral-bound
ISBN: 0071548637
Edition: 1
Binding: Spiral-bound
ISBN: 0071548637
McGraw-Hill's I.V. Drug Handbook (McGraw-Hill Handbooks)
Administer I. . medications knowledgeably, safely and confidently Because there's no room for error, turn to McGraw-Hill's I.V. Drug Handbook. Featuring a strong focus on patient safety, administering and monitoring I.V. drugs, the Handbook delivers concise, practical guidance to help you carry out one of the most difficult tasks you face. Written by and for practicing nurses and pharmacists, the Handbook is reliable, comprehensive, and easy-to-use. Everything you need for safe, successful I.V. drug administration: All-inclusive coverage of over 350 parenteral drugs with the latest warnings from the FDA Includes antibiotics, insulin, pain medications, emergency drugs -- and more coverage of chemotherapeutic agents with Buy McGraw-Hill's IV Drug Handbook by Patricia Schull and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones! Read medical textbooks online like McGraw-Hill's I.V. Drug Handbook here

McGraw-Hill's I.V. Drug Handbook

McGraw-Hill's IV Drug Handbook: Patricia Schull

Administer IV medications knowledgeably, safely and confidently Because there's no room for error, turn to McGraw-Hill's IV Drug Handbook. Featuring a strong focus on patient safety, administering
TheNile.com.au About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 McGraw-Hill's IV Drug Handbook (English) by Patricia Dwyer Schull Format Spiral Condition Brand New Language English Administer IV medications knowledgeably, safely and confidently Because there #039;s no room for error, turn to quot;McGraw-Hill #039;s IV Drug Handbook,quot; Featuring a strong focus on patient safety, administering and monitoring IV drugs, the Handbook delivers concise, practical guidance to help you carr
McGraw-Hill's IV Drug Handbook, ISBN-13: 9780071548632, ISBN-10: 0071548637
McGraw-Hill's I.V. Drug Handbook Online
. medications knowledgeably, safely and confidently Because there's no room for error, turn to McGraw-Hill's I.V. Drug Handbook
drug administration: All-inclusive coverage of over 350 parenteral drugs with the latest warnings from the FDA Includes antibiotics, insulin, pain medications, emergency drugs -- and more coverage of chemotherapeutic agents with