Author: Denis Walsh
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0415577322
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0415577322
Evidence and Skills for Normal Labour and Birth: A Guide for Midwives
Evidence-based care is a well established principle in contemporary healthcare and a worldwide health care movement. However, despite the emphasis on promoting evidence-based or effective care without the unnecessary use of technologies and drugs, intervention rates in childbirth continue to rise rapidly. This new edition emphasises the importance of translating evidence into skilful practice. It updates the evidence around what works best for normal birth, aspects of which still remain hidden and ignored by some maternity care professionals. Beginning with the decision about where to have a baby, through all the phases of labour to the immediate post-birth period, it systematically details research and other evidence sources that endorse a author denis walsh format paperback language english publication year 02 11 2011 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services themonsterbookshop co uk in titles description add my store to your favorites and receive my email newsletters about new items and special promotions general interest evidence and skills for normal labour and birth a guide for midwives item details title evidence and skills for normal labour and birth a guide for midwives author s denis walsh publisher ro Read medical textbooks online like Evidence and Skills for Normal Labour and Birth here

Evidence and Skills for Normal Labour and Birth by Denis Walsh

Evidence and Skills for Normal Labour and Birth : Paperback : Taylor & Francis Ltd : 9780415577328 : 0415577322 : 23 Dec 2011 : Rev. ed. of: Evidence-based care for normal labour and birth / Denis Walsh. 2007.
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Evidence and Skills for Normal Labour and Birth: A Guide for Midwives by Denis Walsh Estimated delivery 4-14 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Evidence-based care is a well established principle in contemporary healthcare and a worldwide health care movement. However, despite the emphasis on promoting evidence-based or effective care without the unnecessary use of technologies and drugs, intervention rates in childbirth continue to ris
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Evidence and Skills for Normal Labour and Birth
Evidence and Skills for Normal Labour and Birth Online
Beginning with the decision about where to have a baby, through all the phases of labour to the immediate post-birth period, it systematically details research and other evidence sources that endorse a