Author: Marie Chisholm-Burns
Edition: 2
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0071621806
Edition: 2
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0071621806
Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, Second Edition (Chisholm-Burns, Pharmacotherapy)
Learn the Essential Principles of Pharmacotherapy and Understand Their Clinical Application Now in full color! 5 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW!
"This book covers more than 100 disease states using an easy-to-use format that includes structured learning objectives, key concepts, patient care and monitoring guidelines, up-to-date literature citations, tables, figures, text boxes, algorithms, a glossary of terms, and an online learning center. ..Although primarily for students, the book offers a concise review for general practitioners. There are more than 160 authors and 140 reviewers that contributed to this book and they represent the highest authority in the field."--Doody's Review Service Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, Second Edition by Chisholm-Burns Marie, Kolesar Jill Estimated delivery 4-14 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New With content derived from the world-renowned Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach this highly-focused guide covers the key topics and concepts essential to pharmacy practice. Publisher Description Learn the Essential Principles of Pharmacotherapy and Understand Their Clinical Ap Read medical textbooks online like Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, Second Edition here

Pharmacotherapy Principles And Practice, Second Edition Ebook
Buy Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, Second Edition by Barbara Wells, Jill Kolesar, Joseph DiPiro, Patrick Malone, Terry Schwinghammer,Marie Chisholm-Burns and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, Second Edition, ISBN-13: 9780071621809, ISBN-10: 0071621806
[ Ships Daily ] Condition: Fair[ Underlining/Highlighting: SOME ] [ Writing: NONE ] Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, Second Edition By Marie Chisholm-Burns, Terry Schwinghammer, Barbara Wells, Patrick Malone, Jill Kolesar, Joseph DiPiro ISBN: 0071621806 Edition:second Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical Pub Date: 5/12/2010 Binding: Hardcover Pages: 1712
Learn the Essential Principles of Pharmacotherapy and Understand Their Clinical ApplicationNow in full color!Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practices utilizes a solid, evidence-based approach that supports the optimal pharmacotherapy of disease. In order to be as clinically relevant as possible, the disease states and treatments discussed focus on disorders most often seen in practice. 98 diseaes-based chapters review etiology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation, followed by clear therapeutic recommendations for drug selection, dosing, and patient monitoring. All chapters
Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, Second Edition Online
..Although primarily for students, the book offers a concise review for general practitioners. There are more than 160 authors and 140 reviewers that contributed to this book and they represent the highest authority in the field
.Although primarily for students, the book offers a concise review for general practitioners. There are more than 160 authors and 140 reviewers that contributed to this book and they represent the highest authority in the field."--Doody's Review Service Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice