Author: Janet R. Weber
Edition: Fourth, North American Edition
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0781781604
Edition: Fourth, North American Edition
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0781781604
Health Assessment in Nursing
Now in its Fourth Edition, Health Assessment in Nursing is a colorful, user-friendly introductory level health assessment text for RN-level students. Targeted to ADN and BSN programs, this text presumes no prior knowledge of health assessment and is part of a suite that includes Lab Manual to Accompany Health Assessment in Nursing, Nurses' Handbook of Health Assessment, and Weber & Kelley's Interactive Nursing Assessment. For this edition, the COLDSPA mnemonic, which guides students through investigation of symptoms, has been revised to show specific applications to content in each chapter. A sample application of COLDSPA is presented at the beginning of each chapter's Nursing History section, and another accompanies each case study. The Now in its Fourth Edition, Health Assessment in Nursing is a colorful, user-friendly introductory level health assessment text for RN-level students. Targeted to ADN and BSN programs, this text presumes no prior knowledge of health assessment and is part of a suite that includes Lab Manual to Accompany Health Assessment in Nursing, Nurses' Handbook of Health Assessment, and Weber Kelley's Interactive Nursing Assessment. For this edition, the COLDSPA mnemonic, which guides students through investigation of symptoms, has been revised to show specific applications to content in each chapter. A sample application of COLDSPA is presented at the beginning of each chapter's Nursing History section, and another accompanies each case study. The Frail Elderly chapter has been streamlined, with a stronger focus on the normal variations associated with assessment of elderly clients. Read medical textbooks online like Health Assessment in Nursing here

Health Assessment in Nursing
Categories: Nursing assessment. Contributors: Weber - Author. Format: NOOK Study

Todays nursing students are busier and more pressed for time than ever. The 5th edition of Health Assessment for Nursing Practice by Susan Wilson and Jean Giddens is designed to help you make the most of your study time with a user-friendly approach and a complete collection of flexible, efficient learning tools. Its everything you need to master the core assessment skills essential for clinical practice

Health Assessment in Nursing

*Author: Weber, Janet/ Kelley, Jane H. *Series Title: Health Assessment in Nursing *Publication Date: 2009/10/01 *Number of Pages: 881 *Binding Type: Hardcover *Language: English *Depth: 1.25 *Width: 8.50 *Height: 11.25
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