Author: Donna D. Ignatavicius MS RN ANEF
Edition: 6th
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1416037624
Edition: 6th
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1416037624
Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, Single Volume, 6e
Written by two expert authors, this trend-setting textbook of medical-surgical nursing offers cutting-edge content that's easy to understand. The sixth edition includes a new emphasis on clinical decision-making for patient-centered collaborative care and more streamlined and balanced coverage of the core body of knowledge needed for safe clinical practice. There is also expanded coverage of emergency and disaster preparedness along with an enhanced "Get Ready for the NCLEX Examination" feature that includes the addition of new NCLEX Challenge questions. UNIQUE! A collaborative approach that presents all medical, surgical, nursing, and other interventions through the lens of the nursing process. A reader-friendly, direct writing style makes this This money saving package includes the 8th edition of Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing - Single-Volume Textbook and Study Guide. *Author: Lewis, Sharon L. *Binding Type: Hardcover *Accessory: STUDY GUIDE *Publication Date: 2010/11/17 *Language: English *Dimensions: 11.10 x 8.90 x 3.40 inches Read medical textbooks online like Medical-Surgical Nursing here

Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care [With Access Code]
Categories: Critical thinking, Surgical nursing, Patient care planning->Nurses' instruction. Contributors: Priscilla LeMone - Author. Format: Hardcover

Title: Medical-Surgical Nursing (2-Volume Set): Text, Study Guide, and Virtual Clinical Excursions Package - Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, Ed. 6
Author/Editor: Ignatavicius, Donna
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Imprint: Saunders
Publication Date: 05/06/2009
Pages: 1819
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-4377-7908-0Copyright: 2010
Author Information:
By Donna D. Ignatavicius, MS, RN-C, ANEF, President, DI Associates, Inc., Placitas, NM
Author/Editor: Ignatavicius, Donna
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Imprint: Saunders
Publication Date: 05/06/2009
Pages: 1819
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-4377-7908-0Copyright: 2010
Author Information:
By Donna D. Ignatavicius, MS, RN-C, ANEF, President, DI Associates, Inc., Placitas, NM
Categories: Critical thinking, Patient care planning->Nurses' instruction, Surgical nursing->Handbooks, manuals, etc.. Contributors: Prescilla Lemone - Author. Format: Hardcover

Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing (Book Only)
Medical-Surgical Nursing Online
A reader-friendly, direct writing style makes this