Author: Jon Tardiff
Edition: 8th
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1890495476
Edition: 8th
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1890495476
Pediatric Drug Chart- 8th edition
The Pediatric Drug Charta can easily be carried in your trauma or pediatric drug kit, attached to a wall, or the side of drug/crash cart to keep it handy when needed. This chart makes it easy for physicians, nurses and paramedics to look up correct pediatric drug doses, because the math is already done. All doses are shown in ml. The built-in length/weight ruler makes it easy for the provider to estimate patient weights. Covers: Updated Pediatric Emergency Medications, New Emergency Drugs, ET Tube, LMA, Suction Catheter and Nasogastric Tube Sizes, Pediatric Cardiac Algorithms, Vital Signs, Infant Burn Charts, APGAR Scale, Infant and Child Glasgow Coma, Length / Weight Ruler, IV Drips, Nebulized Pediatric Medications, Temperature Conversion The Pediatric Drug Chart? can easily be carried in your trauma or pediatric drug kit, attached to a wall, or the side of drug/crash cart to keep it handy when needed. This chart makes it easy for physicians, nurses and paramedics to look up correct pediatric drug doses, because the math is already done. All doses are shown in ml. The built-in length/weight ruler makes it easy for the provider to estimate patient weights. Covers: Updated Pediatric Emergency Medications, New Emergency Drugs, ET Tube, LMA, Suction Catheter and Nasogastric Tube Sizes, Pediatric Cardiac Algorithms, Vital Signs, Infant Burn Charts, APGAR Scale, Infant and Child Glasgow Coma, Length / Weight Ruler, IV Drips, Nebulized Pediatric Medications, Temperature Conversion Chart. Publisher: Informed Publishing; 8th edition (2011) Jon Tardiff (Author), EMT-P (Author), BS (Author), PA-C (Author), Paula Derr (Author), RN (Author), BSN (Author), CCRN (Author), CEN (Author), Rhienna Guedry (Editor), Albert Carranza (Illustrator) Read medical textbooks online like Pediatric Drug Chart- 8th edition here

Pediatric Drug Chart- 8Th Edition

New Spiral bound.

New to this edition: * All medications reviewed and updated in accordance with current practice * Revised layout to avoid crowded pages * A portable laminated card placed inside the back cover with the key formulae that students need to remember * Additional exercises, labels and paediatric examples * Additional set of syringe diagrams * A new table of abbreviations and their meanings and explanation of the 24-hour clock * Addition of handwritten prescriptions to the medication label exercises to improve links to real-life practice *Author: Gatford, JD/ Gatford, John D./ Phillips, Nicole *Bind
Pediatric Drug Chart- 8th edition Online
Covers: Updated Pediatric Emergency Medications, New Emergency Drugs, ET Tube, LMA, Suction Catheter and Nasogastric Tube Sizes, Pediatric Cardiac Algorithms, Vital Signs, Infant Burn Charts, APGAR Scale, Infant and Child Glasgow Coma, Length / Weight Ruler, IV Drips, Nebulized Pediatric Medications, Temperature Conversion