Author: Samuel J. Murff
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1605907049
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1605907049
Safety and Health Handbook for Cytotoxic Drugs
Many Healthcare workers must deal on a daily basis with the transportation, preparation, storage, clean up, and disposal of cytotoxic drugs, which are used in chemotherapy because of their harmful effect on cancer cells. These drugs also have harmful effects on good cells, and they therefore pose a significant health risk to those who work with them. Yet there is little safety and health information available about them, and what information is available is scattered across a vast array of literature. The Safety and Health Handbook for Cytotoxic Drugs collects this information so that healthcare workers can better understand the drugs they work with and the safety and health procedures that should be followed. In it, author Samuel J. Buy Safety and Health Handbook for Cytotoxic Drugs by Samuel J. Murff and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones! Read medical textbooks online like Safety and Health Handbook for Cytotoxic Drugs here

Safety And Health Handbook For Cytotoxic Drugs Ebook

This book presents comprehensive technical and procedural information on 106 of the most common cytotoxic drugs. It provides guidance on quickly dealing with spills, reducing unnecessary exposure, and complying with pertinent regulations and standards in order to better equip healthcare workers to maintain a safe work environment.

This book presents comprehensive technical and procedural information on 106 of the most common cytotoxic drugs. It provides guidance on quickly dealing with spills, reducing unnecessary exposure, and complying with pertinent regulations and standards in order to better equip healthcare workers to maintain a safe work environment.

"Many Healthcare workers must deal on a daily basis with the transportation, preparation, storage, clean up, and disposal of cytotoxic drugs, which are used in chemotherapy because of their harmful effect on cancer cells. These drugs also have harmful effects on good cells, and they therefore pose a significant health risk to those who work with them. Yet there is little safety and health information available about them, and what information is available is scattered across a vast array of literature. The Safety and Health Handbook for Cytotoxic Drugs collects this information so that healthc
Categories: Health & Fitness - Safety * General, Medicine - Pharmacology * General. Contributors: Samuel J. Murff - Author. Format: Hardcover
Safety and Health Handbook for Cytotoxic Drugs Online
These drugs also have harmful effects on good cells, and they therefore pose a significant health risk to those who work with them. Yet there is little safety and health information available about them, and what information is available is scattered across a vast array of literature. The Safety and Health Handbook for Cytotoxic Drugs collects this information so that healthcare workers can better understand the drugs they work with and the safety and health procedures that should be followed. In it, author Samuel J
hese drugs also have harmful effects on good cells, and they therefore pose a significant health risk to those who work with them. Yet there is little safety and health information available about them, and what information is available is scattered across a vast array of literature. The Safety and Health Handbook for Cytotoxic Drugs collects this information so that healthcare workers can better understand the drugs they work with and the safety and health procedures that should be followed. In it, author Samuel J.