Author: Jacqui Williams MA(Distance Education) BSc(Hons) SRN SCM ADM PGCEA
Edition: 1st
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1898507112
Edition: 1st
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1898507112
Electronic Monitoring of Fetal Heart, 1e (Midwifery Practice Guide)
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Electronic Monitoring of Fetal Heart, 1e (Midwifery Practice Guide S. )

The new, 2nd Edition of this convenient handbook provides practical guidance in interpreting electronic fetal heart rate patterns. Completely rewritten with a greater emphasis on the practical management of patients, it enables readers to minimize damage caused by fetal asphyxia, and to manage pregnancies with limited obstetric intervention.
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Short description………………. Electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) has contributed significantly to the understanding of fetal physiology and the spectrum of cardiac responses. It has proven to be beneficial toward the successful fetal management of patients with postdates hypertension, twins, and decreased fetal growth, diabetes, heart or kidney diseases. This testing enhances the outcome of high or low risk patients. This workbook/text aims to help the physician evaluate their ability to identify both normal and irregular patterns that may suggest fetal distress. The book gives answers,
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