Author: Curtis W. Slipman MD
Edition: 1St Edition
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0721628729
Edition: 1St Edition
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0721628729
Interventional Spine: An Algorithmic Approach, 1e
As many as 80% of patients will suffer from back pain at some point in their lifetime. It is the most common form of disability, and the second largest cause of work absenteeism. An early, proactive management approach offers the best route to minimizing these conditions. Renowned authority Curtis W. Slipman, MD and a team of multidisciplinary authorities present you with expert guidance on today's best non-surgical management methods, equipping you with the knowledge you need to offer your patients optimal pain relief.Refresh your knowledge of the basic principles that must be understood before patients with spinal pain can be properly treated.Know what to do when first-line tests and therapies fail, using practice-proven diagnostic and therapeutic Buy Interventional Spine by Curtis W. Slipman,Frederick A. Simeone,Richard Derby,Tom G. Mayer and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones! Read medical textbooks online like Interventional Spine here

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author michael j depalma format hardback language english publication year 28 04 2011 subject medicine subject 2 medicine general title ispine evidence based interventional spine care author depalma michael md publisher demos medical pub publication date feb 25 2011 pages 544 binding hardcover edition 1 st dimensions 8 40 wx 11 10 hx 1 10 d isbn 1933864710 subject medical physical medicine rehabilitation brand new hardcover all orders get full access to our online status tracking service allo
Interventional Spine An Algorithmic Approach, ISBN-13: 9780721628721, ISBN-10: 0721628729

iSpine is unique in its presentation of interventional spine, employing a disease-based or specific structure injury model. Expert clinicians take you through the full gamut of painful spine conditioCONTENTS: 1. Etiologies of Painful Spinal Disorders, PART I. Lumbosacral Spine, 2. Pathophysiology of Painful Lumbosacral Spine Disorders, Section A. Axial Low Back Pain; 3.
Interventional Spine Online
It is the most common form of disability, and the second largest cause of work absenteeism. An early, proactive management approach offers the best route to minimizing these conditions. Renowned authority Curtis W. Slipman, MD and a team of multidisciplinary authorities present you with expert guidance on today's best non-surgical management methods, equipping you with the knowledge you need to offer your patients optimal pain relief
Know what to do when first-line tests and therapies fail, using practice-proven diagnostic and therapeutic