Author: Suzanne M. Levasseur MSN APRN CPNP
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1560535261
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1560535261
Perinatal Nursing Secrets, 1e
The focus of this book is on nursing care across the continuum of the perinatal experience. The first section focuses on trends, issues and dilemmas faced by the nurse in the practice setting, beginning with a chapter exploring the meaning of caring in perinatal nursing. The remainder of this section provides definitions and descriptions of the foundational concepts of perinatal practice, explores the emerging trends, policies and practices in perinatal practice, and analyzes some of the current and potential ethical dilemmas in this field of practice. A journey through clinical concepts and care is presented in the second section. A developmental approach from preconception decisions and behaviors to genetics and fetal development; pregnancy Contributors: Suzanne M. Levasseur - Author. Format: Paperback Read medical textbooks online like Perinatal Nursing Secrets here

Perinatal Nursing Secrets, 9781560535263
Perinatal Nursing Secrets, ISBN-13: 9781560535263, ISBN-10: 1560535261

Softcover book, 382 pages. Published by Hanley & Belfus (2003)
Contributors: Suzanne M. Levasseur - Author. Format: Paperback

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Perinatal Nursing Secrets Online
A developmental approach from preconception decisions and behaviors to genetics and fetal development; pregnancy