Author: Springhouse
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 158255319X
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 158255319X
Assessment: A 2-in-1 Reference for Nurses (2-in-1 Reference for Nurses Series)
This unique 2-in-1 reference presents vital information on history taking, physical examination, and interpretation of findings in two practical, helpful ways on every page. The wide inner column contains detailed narrative text; the narrow outer column contains brief bulleted summaries of the same information. This format enables nurses to quickly scan the bulleted points and jump to more detail as needed without turning the page. In addition to full assessment guidance for every body system, this essential reference covers mental health assessment and nutritional assessment. Two 8-page full-color inserts bring to life assessment techniques and landmarks. Icons highlight specific techniques; lifespan, gender, and racial differences in findin This practical guide provides strategies to help school leaders foster a culture of formative assessment throughout their schools. Read medical textbooks online like Assessment here

Review of the U.S. Navy Environmental Health Center's Health-Hazard Assessment Process
Categories: Health risk assessment->United States. Contributors: Subcommittee on Toxicological Hazard and Risk Assessment;Committee on Toxicology;Board on Environmen - Author. Format: Paperback

ACCESS is comprehensive assessment system designed to assist teachers in gauging student mastery of the Common Core State Standards in order to help them target and remediate areas of weakness so that students can be more successful on high-stakes national assessments. The ACCESS program contains a series of student workbooks that feature two complete practice tests that are directly aligned with the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
The pre-test allows teachers to gauge current skill levels of their incoming students and the post-test provides a complete profile of students' strengths a
The pre-test allows teachers to gauge current skill levels of their incoming students and the post-test provides a complete profile of students' strengths a
Categories: Health risk assessment->United States. Contributors: Subcommittee on Toxicological Hazard and Risk Assessment;Committee on Toxicology;Board on Environmen - Author. Format: Paperback

This new resource, written by well known education author, J. Richard Gentry, is an easy to use assessment guide, drawing on major new insights in brain research. Included with this book is a DVD that shows how to easily identify a child's phase of development, set reasonable expectations for growth, and select from the instructional techniques provided to best help every student become a successful reader and writer.
Assessment Online
The wide inner column contains detailed narrative text; the narrow outer column contains brief bulleted summaries of the same information. This format enables nurses to quickly scan the bulleted points and jump to more detail as needed without turning the page. In addition to full assessment guidance for every body system, this essential reference covers mental health assessment and nutritional assessment. Two 8-page full-color inserts bring to life assessment techniques and landmarks
he wide inner column contains detailed narrative text; the narrow outer column contains brief bulleted summaries of the same information. This format enables nurses to quickly scan the bulleted points and jump to more detail as needed without turning the page. In addition to full assessment guidance for every body system, this essential reference covers mental health assessment and nutritional assessment. Two 8-page full-color inserts bring to life assessment techniques and landmarks. Icons highlight specific techniques; lifespan, gender, and racial differences in findin