Author: Patricia Beachy
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 093156218X
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 093156218X
Compendium of Postpartum Care
Children are being diagnosed with psychopathologies at alarming rates Not surprisingly their behavioral and educational outcomes are increasingly compromised The financial costs of treating childhood disabilities are spiraling out of control and the emotional and social toll on students families schools the penal system and society as a whole is staggering With proper care during pregnancy medical professionals can now help expectant mothers prevent many physical birth defects But prevention and intervention techniques remain elusive for abnormal fetal development that manifests later in life as behavioral problems Researchers in the field of behavioral teratology continue to search for answers prevention and intervention techniques that will lead to improved behavioral and education outcomes for children In this first compendium in the growing literature of behavioral teratology readers will discover an easy to access concise presentation that Synthesizes important findings that help explain why prenatal events may result in abnormal behavior and learning disabilities later in life Examines the role of prenatal perturbations along with genetics and the postnatal roles of caretakers and the social environment in light of how each may individually or together contribute to conditions as varied as dyslexia schizophrenia fetal alcohol syndrome and autism Ensures that effective prevention and intervention can occur during the prenatal phases of development Addresses the research needs in behavioral teratology that are likely to lead to discoveries that may ensure the birth of healthier babies who develop normally across the lifespan Provides a brief medical glossary that details terminology specifically related to fetal development and birth With its multidisciplinary approach this volume is a must have resource for clinical child and school psychologists educational professionals medical practitioners social workers and counselors as well as researchers and graduate students in these areas In addition pediatricians psychiatrists and other medical professionals including such disciplines as epidemiology reproductive biology psychiatry pediatrics obstetrics neonatology among others will find this book highly useful Read medical textbooks online like Compendium of Postpartum Care here

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